Friday, February 17, 2012

Erin Bowman Takes the Truth

I was all set to tackle an embarrassing dare, but then this fabulous truth came in from Alyssa regarding book covers and the design process and I had to shift gears. This topic is very timely for me -- TAKEN is undergoing the cover design phase as we speak -- so let's get to it, shall we?

A hat tip to Alyssa, for prompting such a great discussion. As a thank you, I'm giving you a $13 amazon or B&N giftcard (your choice). Just email me via our Thirteeners account -- fridaythethirteeners[at]gmail[dot]com -- so I know where to send your prize.

And to everyone else: Perhaps you would like to submit some more truth and dares for us? We really do love them, even if some are cringe-worthingly embrassing.

That's all from me for now, but make sure you stop by on Tuesday when we announce our newest mystery author!


Erin Bowman is a YA writer, letterpress lover, and Harry Potter enthusiast living in New Hampshire. Her debut novel, TAKEN, comes out from HarperTeen in Winter of 2013. You can visit her blog (updated occasionally) or find her on twitter (updated obsessively).


  1. Erin, love this post! It's always so interesting to read/hear about the more "behind the scenes" stuff. Thanks for sharing, gorgeous lady!

  2. Great post, Erin! Fun and informative: the perfect combo!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Erin, I think it was so great to share the process so openly. It is stuff I wish I knew beforehand!
    And great vlog! You looked so great!!!

  5. cool VLOG! and glad you like your cover! i'm supposed to see the cover for my book in the next week or so... no real idea what it'll be like, but as you say - they're the experts!! look forward to seeing the TAKEN art! cheers!

    1. Chris! How exciting!! I'm really looking forward to seeing the cover art for ROOTLESS! Fingers crossed you love it :)

  6. I loved the vlog! :D Very honest and interesting. It's nice to know that even in big publishing companies like HC the author can ask for small changes. Knowing Harper's record, I'm sure the cover is absolutely gorgeous.

    1. You are so right -- Harper really does have a great record with covers! (I feel so lucky that their team tackled mine, and, as you pointed out, that they were open to my thoughts.)

  7. Thanks, Yahong! I was so happy that my editor (and HarperTeen) was interested in knowing my initial thoughts/suggestions for the cover direction. I was even more happy when they made that final tweak for me at the end of the process. They've truly done a fantastic job with the cover! Can't wait to share :)

  8. Brilliant vlog, Erin. Thank you for sharing about the process. :) I'm excited for TAKEN's cover.

  9. Great vlog, Erin! I'm so glad you love your cover. Can't wait to see it! :-D
