Friday, January 20, 2012

Natalie Whipple Takes The Dare

Before we get to my impending humiliation, first we need to announce the winners of our very first Friday The Thirteeners contest! Here they are, in no particular order:

Erica and Christy
Little Miss Bookworm

If you're on the list, please contact us at with your choice of prize. We'll work things out from there!

Now, on to the dare. I chose Leigh Smith's, and since I did I'm offering her a 30-page manuscript critique (If you're not a writer, Leigh, we'll work something else out.)! Thanks so much for joining in the fun and giving me such a great challenge. Please email me at to work out the details. I hope you all enjoy the results!

Have a truth or dare you'd like to see us answer next Friday? Submit one now!


  1. Don't diss your zombie book, Natalie. It rocked. ;)

  2. It did not, Renee! If you read it now you'd laugh your head off, as I did.

  3. Okay, I admit, it was pretty funny... and not in the originally intended way :)

    Part of what made it so funny was the voice you used and your expressions :)

    But yes, it's a great example of how much writing style/ability can change if you just keep working and don't give up.

    Now many writers would have the guts to do that, so I commend you on your courage :)

  4. I would love new legs! Or new boobs to impress a man zombie. ;) Thanks for sharing!! :D

  5. Ahhh, thanks for sharing Natalie. 13 novels? You're amazing. Anyway, I'm glad you and Kasie and other-authors-I-have-yet-to-know made this site. It's clever. Almost as clever as a zombie romance.

  6. Ba ha ha ha!!! I love it! That was an awesome reading, Nat. And awesome pointers. I'm scared to have to do a truth or dare now. So scared. :)

  7. That just made my day! Thanks for sharing.

  8. Umm. You are awesome. That was the most entertaining writing lesson I've ever listened to. :o)

  9. I'm with Kiersten. The hot legs part is my fav. Thanks for sharing, Nat! :)

  10. You're such a good sport, Natalie! It was great :)

  11. Kiersten, the "Bam, hot legs" was pretty epic. I'm sure there are many more such gems in the following pages...

  12. Aww - this was cute. Vain zombies are awesome. (Of course, now I'll never get the idea of zombies walking around like Bratz dolls with the interchangeable heads and feet.)

  13. Haha, Josin, that's basically what it is, isn't it? Oh, the shame...

  14. *Bam* hot legs. So funny! I think it was cute! Even in the early days you had a lot personality in your writing.

  15. I'm not sure if I'd be willing to record some of my early work ... that's quite the dare! (But you did fabulously).

  16. This gives newbies like myself hope. Now I will think twice when my mind says WOW that was awesome! :) I did enjoy the way you read it!!! Very valley girl zombie! :)

  17. Soooo if girl zombies can swap their hoo haaaas then I assume boy zombies can swap their ....

    Ewwwwww! Ha ha ha!!!

    Seriously loved it Natalie!!

  18. Oh, that made my day! I'm so glad you video-recorded it too, so we could hear you read it in its full glory! Thanks for sharing!!

  19. That was adorable and I love how you turned it into a perfect way to exemplify the dreaded info dump. I love this blog, BTW.

  20. Wow. Nice. And very funny. Maybe I haven't heard it in a while, but you reading it sounds weirdly like the audiobook for The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. (I guess you have an alternative job, if you, gasp, give up on writing!)

  21. This post was very inspirational. The more we writer the better we get!

  22. Haha, that was just plain awesome. :) Very brave of you, Natalie! Loved it. It is so fun to see where we started and how much a writer can grow in just a few years.
